Central approval of company

User portal for central approval

Central approval is a voluntary quality scheme that shows that the enterprise meets the requirements regarding professional qualifications, quality assurance routines and professionalism in the Regulations relating to Building Applications (SAK10).

Apply for central approval

At the bottom of this page, you can log in to apply for central approval or to submit further attachments in connection with an application. You can read more about what you need for the application in the table below.

Renewal of, and changes to, central approval

If you want to renew your central approval, you must apply before the end of the approval period and document that the enterprise satisfies the applicable requirements in SAK10.

You can apply to change your central approval in order to expand your central approval with more approval areas or project classes during an existing approval period.

Transferring central approval

If your enterprise has central approval and is going to change its organisation number, you can apply to transfer the central approval pursuant to specific conditions. You can read more about transferring central approval here.

You must document the following in the application:

  • Education and training in the form of diplomas, master craftsman’s certificates or other documentation showing that the enterprise has technical managers with relevant education and training at the right level. You can read more about documenting education and training from abroad here.
  • Reference projects that explain what the enterprise did or describe the experience the technical manager brought with them to your enterprise. Technical managers must have relevant and up-to-date practical experience within the area of approval applied for and the required length of practical experience.
  • The permanent employment of the technical managers in your enterprise, for example, in the form of written contracts of employment.
  • An organisation chart showing the division of responsibilities and authority in your enterprise.
  • Any documentation of exemptions from registration in the Value Added Tax Register.

You must verify that your enterprise satisfies the following:

  • The Internal Control Regulations’ requirements regarding health, safety and the environment.
  • The Planning and Building Act’s requirements regarding quality assurance routines.

The following are optional:

  • You can submit documentation showing that your enterprise has occupational injury insurance and liability insurance.
  • Information showing whether the enterprise is an approved training enterprise is automatically retrieved from www.finnlaerebedrift.no.
Duration of central approval and duty of disclosure

Central approval is granted for 3 years at a time. The enterprise has a duty to report any changes in circumstances that are of relevance for the central approval. This could be, for example, restructuring, compulsory liquidation or bankruptcy proceedings, or technical managers who provided the basis for approval no longer working in the enterprise. Send information about the changes to [email protected]

Seal of approval and certificate of approval

If central approval is granted, you can download the seal of approval for use in marketing your enterprise. You can log in below and download this from ‘Your enterprise’. Here, you can also download the certificate of approval that is also available from the register of centrally approved enterprises.

Appealing decisions

If you disagree with our assessment, you can appeal the decision you have received. The deadline for appeals is 3 weeks. You can read more about appeals and the appeals board for central approval here. You can also reapply in order to further document information about your enterprise instead of appealing a decision.


The Norwegian Building Authority supervises enterprises with central approval. We do this to check, for example, that your enterprise’s quality assurance routines comply with SAK10 and that they are used actively, as you confirmed in your application.

Rights in Altinn

You must have the correct rights in Altinn in order to apply for central approval on behalf of the enterprise. If you do not already have them, they can be assigned to you.

How to obtain the necessary rights in Altinn.

Do you have any questions?

You can read more about central approval on our website, or call the phone line for central approval 22 47 56 00 which is open from 12.00-14.00 on weekdays.